You need to follow simple guidelines:
1. Take a logo image at and save it to your PC.
2. Upload the image to the public_html folder and clear your browser cache to see the logo.
You need to follow simple guidelines:
1. Take a logo image at and save it to your PC.
2. Upload the image to the public_html folder and clear your browser cache to see the logo.
We recommend that you use such a Google Analytics service. It is a free tool offered by Google to...
WordPress is the most popular CMS, it is fast and easy to use for novice users. Filling a website...
Unfortunately, the source code cannot be protected. Anyone can see the code for your site by...
When a browser looks at a site directory that does not have an index.html file, the browser can...
To change the WordPress theme manually, you will need to edit the wp-config.php file. Please add...